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Nature Nuts

Pine Marten hide up to 5th March

I've lapsed a bit on my regular feeding regime at the marten feeding station and I think that reflects on his\her times. The animal was generally regular (between 1830 and 2130) but has changed a bit. I will increase the baiting though to a more regular pattern. In the interim, here are a few of my recent videos. Beside these ones we have had umpteen visits from jays and the usual tits and woodpecker. Just thought I'd pop these 4 on for now though.

First up is a puckle mice ripping about like eejits, love it

Next up we have the lovely Red Squirrels. There are quite a few clips of a couple playing "mummies and daddies" but only fleeting glimpses. This is one of the better clips

Last but by no means least we have a couple of Marty

It's quite funny, I've been looking for roadkill since my last lot that I provided at the hide. Last weekend as I was up Glenshee I thought I might get a hare or two (not that I really want to get any as such but it is always good not to waste). Anyway, did I not come across a prime bit of carcass, a red deer hind! I hummed and aahed (how do you spell that?) and thought better of trying to drag this into my boot. The aftermath with others would not have been pretty but seeing what was biting may have been worth the effort, or probably not ;-)

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