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Nature Nuts

2017 and onwards

Well, that’s the first year at the current hide up. To say it has been productive as far as sightings are concerned is an understatement. We have had sightings of over 50 species from the hide which has been brilliant not only for me but specifically for my guests. Some of the visiting species are daily regulars, some have been either winter or summer migrants and some have been total surprises. Here are some images of most of the visiting species.

Blackbird, Blackcap (no pic unfortunately), Brambling and Bullfinch.

Buzzard, Chaffinch and Chiffchaff

Crossbill, Crow and Cuckoo

Dunnock, Fieldfare and Flycatcher (spotted)

Goldcrest, Goldfinch and Greenfinch. Also a Goshawk twice but no pics unfortunately

Grey Heron, Jay and Red Kite

Lapwing, Pheasant and Pigeon

Meadow Pipit, Raven, Redpoll (pic by Rob Allen) and Redwing

Robin, Rook and Siskin

Skylark, Sparrowhawk and Stonechat

Swallow, Mistle Thrush and Blue Tit

Coal, Great and Long Tailed Tits

Treecreeper, Pied Wagtail and Willow Warbler

Wheatear, Woodpecker (GS) and Wren

We have also had sightings of Yellowhammers, Golden Eagles, Red-Legged Partridge and a fly through up the glen by a White Tailed Eagle. Apparently Tree Pipits are present in the trees beside the ponds, I’ve possibly seen them but I’m just going on an RSPB bird ID guy who visited. Tawny Owls are more often heard than seen but have visited a few times and at least one known visit by a Barn Owl.

There are a variety of insects at the pond close to the hide as well as amphibians. From frogs and toads to a variety of Hawkers, Clubtails and Dragonflies; it can be a pleasant change from sitting in the hide.

As far as mammals go we have had a fair selection. Heading up to the hide there have been Otters spotted at both of the bridges as well as Roe and Fallow deer. Wood mice and Bank Voles are regulars and really fast zipping around the feeding area. A surprising visitor for a few days was a Hedgehog; I was really chuffed seeing him in all honesty. The main “big” mammals at the hide though are the Red Squirrels and the Pine Martens. The Reds are ever present especially in the mornings and are a complete joy to watch. The Martens tend to be evening/night visitors though they have been spotted in the afternoons through the summer months. As I use artificial lighting through the darker evenings, these creatures have been available to witness all year round. The male has been very regular visiting every night without fail (timings vary wildly though). The female and her kits were very regular from June through to the end of November before the youngsters were chased off. From March up to this point, the female has been more sporadic in her visits. Having just had her kits she is probably hunting nearer to where her newborn youngsters are holed up. Witnessing not only the adults visiting the hide but also the kits has amounted to some very special moments to me and my guests. Looking back on my notes, I believe there has been an almost 90% sighting of the martens throughout this last year which to me has been quite incredible considering how elusive these animals can be.

I hope that everyone that has visited the hide has enjoyed it and I thank you all for your custom. I have met a multitude of lovely people through their hide and other tour visits, most I regard as friends so thank you very much as it means a lot to me. So here’s to the next year and beyond in this current hide and hopefully a new hide addition or two in these coming months. The proposed new location/s will hopefully throw up some other species such as Badgers, Beavers, Pine Marten, various Raptors and my nemesis the Green Woodpecker. There is also a possibility of a loch side hide that offers a multitude of species including Beavers, Kingfishers, Otters, Fox, Geese and other Water birds as well as other species. Please note that this is work in progress and I won’t be pursuing these avenues unless I get decent hit rates. For this coming year I am aiming to keep my costs for my hide/s as low as possible again and make them as accessible as possible for all concerned.

Thanks again……Nature Nuts

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