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Nature Nuts

Passing the baton

I have, through the years, met some really special people, particularly on my beaver tours. One such girl is Kirsten, an awe inspiring young lady that I had the privilege to accompany to the river a few years back. Kirsten and her seriously lovely boyfriend Elliot accompanied me on a wee tour to the river. We had brilliant viewings that evening and seeing both the "kids" faces (Elliot and Kirsten) cheered my heart. A few months rolled by and by chance I met Kirsten again by the river with her besty, Kirsty. I was there with another frequent visitor to me, Cain. Cain and his really gorgeous, stunning, wildlife mad girlfriend are really special to me, but that's a different story. Apparently I might be Maid of Honour if I wear my kilt!!!!! Bloody Sasenachs lol. Anyway, we watched at least 3 kits pinging about and again, the look of all three made me smile big time. It was at this point that Kirsten brought up the promise of me taking her to Bamff. "Bob", she says, "You have promised me a visit to Bamff, when"? "Next time you come" I replied.

Sure enough, the wee Brewster (Kirsten for those not paying attention) phoned me up. "Bob, wee sis and pops would love to see the beavers", "sorted" I replied. So, we all met and went to the river. I must admit and Kirsten will agree, it was a VERY quiet night. "Bob, what's the chances of a visit to Bamff" were whispered excitedly in to my ear. Response? "Hell yeah"!!!!!

So off we all popped to the magical Bamff. When I speak to Kirsten, it is seriously like speaking about Narnia and I totally get it, OMG I so get it. If you want to see what Nature is capable of, visit Bamff as it WILL blow your mind, seriously brilliant. I digress as always, but my wee group had a wander about the various dams and ponds and yet again no real show from the furry bark chompers. As we went back towards the car, we were met by The Ramsay's son Adam. It was my first meeting with the loon and I was sooooooo impressed. Such a polite young man and in reality almost as handsome as his dad!!! Adam suggested that we all went out on the canoes, I suggested that he could take my group out and I would sit at the bank taking the odd photo. All was agreed and off my group trotted, it was only then that I thought "does my insurance cover me". It did thankfully lol. Anyway, as I sat on the banking watching my group on canoes with only a couple of wild boar to keep me company, I saw 2 beavers approaching the rear side of the canoes. Sure enough, they went in between both boats, realised the proximity and tail splashed my whole group. On reaching back to shore the look on Kirstens face said it all, smiling ear to ear, her dad and wee sis in a very similar vein, could not thank me enough. It is a memory that I know I will treasure for a long time.

Things move on, and I left SWBG as a trustee. In truth I had put my whole being into it and kinda burned myself out. However, I still attend the meetings as an honorary member sort of thing and take great pride in knowing what we did as a group has led to the forthcoming protection of the beavers. I really have to say, what a group. The Ramsays, Rhona, Jean, Ellie and Eddie are the new Trustees with the addition of my now adopted daughter Kirsten and her beau Elliot. We were all at the recent group meeting and I must admit, I left with a real tear in my eye. Seeing Kirsten taking on some of my previous roles, specifically admin and education visits hit me really hard. I didn't realise how much I loved the latter so much and giving it up would reduce me to tears. Saying that, it was with a very, very happy heart that the baton has been passed to an exceptional young lady and with real support through her boyfriend Elliot, Awesome Jean, Caring Rhona, and the ever present Ramsays, Ellie and Eddie as the backbone the group will only get stronger.

As a final note and on a Nature Nuts theme, Elliot and Kirsten accompanied me to a Black Grouse lek this morning. Suffice to say due to lack of gritting/ploughing by PKC it was a challenge to say the least. Saying that and without going through the drama, we had a bloody ball. And as an aside/finishing comment, here is Elliot's. "Bob, if it wasn't for you I would not have went to Yellowstone, Kirsten got me interested, you got me passionate". Suffice to say, I cried!!!

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